Climate change is one of the most urgent challenges of our times and can already be witnessed on a global stage. It comes with weather extremes and causes dramatic changes in our ecosystems.

However, not always can carbon emissions be avoided. What then? A steadily growing number of companies takes the next step and compensates their corporate carbon emissions through voluntary climate mitigation projects just like ours. Likano takes this further by developing state-of-the-art projects that go far beyond the reduction of CO2 alone. Our projects create positive effects for people, species and habitats!

We are particularly proud about our Mountain Gorilla Project! We disseminate cooking stoves to the locals, reduce their firewood consumption and in turn help protect the last habitat of the mountain gorilla. It Is with the help of many NGOs in the country that we can master this challenge successfully. To be fully transparent, this project is certified by the most renowned Gold Standard. Regular checks by third parties guarantee that this project saves firewood and thus CO2.

Come with us and experience the difference that your contribution to our projects makes: not only to the families in Rwanda and the mountain gorillas, but eventually for you and your company. Become climate neutral – our short video shows you how!